Freight Audit and Payment (FAP) is the bedrock of your supply chain, not just because it keeps operations running smoothly.
The timely, accurate settlement of your freight operations yields data that in turn creates business intelligence that can help steer your entire organization.
Constellation TMS benefits from having the premiere FAP functionality of TranzAct Technologies baked directly into its technology and processes. So along with a TMS, you get premiere FAP support that others either cannot offer or have tried to bolt on to a separate product.

TranzAct has been auditing and paying freight bills for 40 years and expertly handles the process to minimize exceptions; pay bills accurately, on-time, and only once; all while allowing you to maintain 100% control of your funds throughout the entire process. Additionally, we will not charge your carriers a “pre-funding” or “quick-pay” fee as others do, as those fees only get passed back along to you in the form of higher carrier rates. Our proprietary processes can decode your bills to synthesize the data into meaningful and actionable data. That means accurate GL coding and data in an automated fashion, with artificial intelligence leading the way to build better processes.
Our extensive experience and data warehouse allows us to work with you to drive efficiencies throughout your organization. From sourcing to routing to inventories to sales, we can shed light on ways to add money to your bottom line and remove the silos within your walls. We can even help you work with your vendors to optimize how they work with you and your carriers.
One common platform handles all international and domestic sites. Additionally, our system can process in ANY currency, and can pursue any currency to pay carriers as long as there are no country limitations.
Only Constellation TMS offers this level of FAP.